The SPYNAMICS origin: The DORN Method
The Dorn Method – A Wholistic Manual Therapy and True Self Help Method
A Non-Manipulative, safe and effective selfregulating way to rebalance misalignments in the spine and other joints that can help in the treatment of: Back Pain, Scoliosis, Migraine Leg-Length Discrepancy, Joints Pain, Chronic Conditions, Energy Blockages, Emotional Conflicts...
Developed some 30 years ago in Germany it is now fast becoming a popular approach for Back Pain and practiced in more than 20 countries around the world.
A complete Healing Method because it incorporates 3 important factors:

1. Avoidance
Avoiding possible causes and contributing problem factors is necessary otherwise it will be very likely that problems are not be solved long term and can return easy.
2. Therapy = Demonstration session
Therapy done by experienced practitioners may help to start a healing and adjustment process. Sometimes self therapy is alread sufficient for that.
Our structure needs to be guided back into best possible alignment first so the whole system can perform a new start with a strong foundation.
3. Self Help
Self Help is probably the most important factor in the whole process. This allows to maintain Balance so our body can heal over time. This time is minimum 6 to 8 weeks but sometimes takes a lifetime.
A Dorn Method Practitioner is more than just a Therapist he / she is a Health Coach who guides Patients towards a Solution for their Back Pain by:
Explaining the possible Causes of the Problem = Avoidance
Applying a safe Therapy with and not just on the Patient = Demonstration session
Teaching Self Help Exercises for long lasting Results = Health maintenance / Adjustment
How can the Dorn Method help?
By applying principals of Anatomy, Physics and Nature Laws the Structural System is effectively, selfregulating re-aligned thus improving the nervous system that connects the Brain with all other areas of the human body.
In an intensive DORN-Session the Patients Spine (and if necessary other Joints) is selfregulating rebalanced using gentle and sensitive manual Impulses = counter-pressure (Client leans on practitioners hands) and dynamic (movements of the client) at the same time.
When the treatment becomes uncomfortable the procedure can be stopped immediately by the client therefore this approach can be called safe.
When the Structural System is in a better Alignment the functional unit of Bones-Muscles-Ligaments and Tissues can become more relaxed and will usually ease the pressure onto the nerves which often is the cause of Pain and other problems.
By avoiding wrong movements and habits that contribute towards structural misalignments together with Self Help Exercises that simulate the Actions done during the Therapy over an extended period of Recovery Time (usually 2 Month) the Patients are likely to improve fast after the Therapy and only very few Sessions might be necessary. (Usually only 2 to 3 sessions)
In a few cases a longer treatment period is advised and can be tailored to the convenience of the Patient that includes a more intensive and individual teaching of Self Therapy with the Help of a Partner or Family Member.
Remember: Healing takes place within us and with a little discipline, understanding and time small miracles can happen.
What do other Health Professionals say about the Dorn Method:
As an osteopath who already treated spinal misalignments, The Dorn Method had a huge impact on my practice, because it gave me the tools to address spinal misalignments in a gentle non-invasive way.
Wayne Sibson, Osteopath, WA
I had been having on-and-off back pains for several years until I came across the Dorn Method. I immediately noticed a significant improvement after just one session.
I am convinced that the Dorn Method is a safe and effective means of treating various muscular-skeletal disorders.
Angel M. Gomez, MD
As a Integrative Healthcare Practitioner and Naturopath I see many health problems and back pain is one that I see most frequently . So frequently I decided to study Chiropractic . However when I discovered the Dorn Method two things happened , I found a safe, effective non-manipulative therapy for back pain and I discontinued my Chiropractic Studies . The Dorn method is a compensive system that treats patients on all levels
Jason Mallia IMD ND Dr.Sc (NSW) Aust
Patients opinions:
I have been suffering from leg and hip pain and I was diagnosed with slipped disc. Finally, my doctor told me to undergo an operation instead I looked for other alternative therapies.
All in all, I just had 4 sessions with the Dorn Method and the pains were gone. Now, I can walk straight with out experiencing pain. However, I continue to do the exercises suggested by my Therapist. I highly recommend the Dorn method for the treatment of slipped disc and other spine related pains.
Domingo O. Llagas, Account Manager, 38 years old
For detailed Information about the Dorn Method visit the International Information Platform about the Dorn Method:
The Dorn Method is the core of my holistic approach for the treatment of Back Pain named MNSRT or
I integrate Conventional medicine - Traditional medicine - Alternative Medicine - Healing to achieve the best possible result.
Beside manual therapies and individual health coaching the Spynamics Sacro Aligner became a key stone in the building called wellbeing and with a little knowledge about oneself and some self discipline wonders can happen.
Thomas Zudrell, MD(AM), DMS
Treat yourself like the most valuable treasure that you own.
Thomas Zudrell, Health-Coach
Prevention is better than cure.
Start now.