SPYNAMICS Sacro Aligner - Research / Tests

The Spynamics Sacro Aligner was tested in Germany and Australia on several volunteering patients.
Tested patients had back pain in different intensity and were diagnosed to have different conditions including: Low Back Pain Syndrom, Sciatica, Scoliosis, Herniated Discs, Migraines, Hip Pain, Arm Pains, Fibromyalgia, Muscular Tensions, Neck Pain, Shoulder Pain a.o.
The test-patients used the Spynamics Sacro Aligner according to the instructions two times a day for approximately 5 - 10 minutes in lying position.
About 80% of the test-patients showed a reduction of their pain-feelings to around 50% and higher after 3 days, independent to the individual back pain condition of the patient at the beginning of the test period.
Approximately 90% of patients reported a pain reduction of 80% or higher after the end of the testing period (8 weeks).
Structural and functional changes could be found during manual assessments throughout the testing period.
All structural and functional changes were confirmed through medical diagnostic tools (x-ray, MRI, Neurological assessments etc.)
» details to follow, please visit again soon...
Tests conducted by: Thomas Zudrell MD(AM), DMS in Germany
Dr Wayne Sibson Osteopath), B.Sc.(Clin.Sc.) MH.Sc.(Osteo), in Australia and others (details on request)
We are happy if anybody is willing to do independent or personal studies since any outcome (supportive or critical) will surely be for the benefit of many back pain sufferers.
If you have access to research facilities or studies please contact us for any cooperation and support.
Results of actual research and studies will be posted as soon as they are available (please check again later)
Effectiveness of the Spynamics Sacro Aligner:
From my experience I have found that many people have great stress in the SIJ and lumbar area and the sacrum tends to nutate forward.
The Sacro Aligner works against this tendency by a gentle counter-pressure at the Coccyx area (head of the Sacro Aligner), so that the sacrum again nutates backwards. This can be reinforced by using the Spine Aligner as a decompression wedge. However, the humps of the Spine Aligner prevent too much back-nutating of the sacrum and therefore do not promote hyperextension. Since the devices work passively but promote mobilization through active movements and the structures can ultimately achieve their best possible (natural) alignment, the respective (genetically predetermined) structural predisposition is not manipulatively changed.
From now almost 15 years of experience with the Sacro Aligner I can state: regular use reduces the stress on the intervertebral discs in the lumbar region through an alignment of the SIJ and self-regulating mobilization of the attaching structures. Hyperlordosis and hypolordosis alike show improvements that often require several months of regular practice.
» Next: Dynamic Spinal Decompression