Back Pain - Informations

How important is the subject Back Pain?

  • Back Pain is a very common health problem that concerns most people at some time in their life.

  • It costs the economy enormous amounts mainly because of the loss of work time.

  • It is a very large financial factor for the health industry.


Back Pain Facts for Dummies

Anybody who ever experienced back pain and consulted a professional health care provider will most likely agree to this:

  • In most cases the causes of back pain are not clear

  • Different health care providers have different opinions about back pain

  • Informations given from health care providers or media about back pain is often difficult to understand, sometimes very confusing, often controversial and seldom truly helpful

  • Regardless of the cause of back pain, the pain sensation is usually changing frequently depending on the time of the day, the activities we do and the stress factors we have

  • Statistics suggest that most back pain issues improve or disappear within 6 to 8 weeks regardless if the is any therapy done or not.


Back Pain Questions for Dummies

Most Questions about Back Pain will stay either unanswered or will be answered unsatisfactory:

  • What is causing my back pain?

  • Why is the back pain sensation changing throughout the day?

  • Does back pain require therapy, heat or cold, rest or action?

  • Is it really necessary to do all possible diagnosis with all the very expensive tools in every case of back pain?

  • Who benefits from back pain?

  • Why do the different health care providers (school medicine or complementary alternative medicine) not integrate their knowledge, services and resources?


Back Pain Answers for Dummies

» If I would have satisfactory answers to all open Questions I probably would be Millionare or Prisoner

However I do have my own theory about most issues concerning Back Pain that are supported by the thousands of people I treated for Back Pain and many students I trained worldwide.

Please read more about my theory and possible Back pain Solutions: Back Pain Secrets


Back Pain Tips for Dummies

However difficult the topic Back Pain seems I suggest a few things in almost all cases:

  • Try to consult different health care providers (best from different disciplines) first before deciding what approach is the best

  • Learn as much as possible about yourself, what you may have done that caused or contributed to the Back Pain condition in order to prevent future problems, get yourself onto the path of healing and possibly enable yourself to understand and develop a picture of the situation

  • Accept that it is your own body that must do the healing and repair, there is no magic bullet, miracle cure or any solution from outside that does this job for you!

  • Non-physical (mental) Stress-situations in the present or in the past, conscious or unconscious are always influencing our system. If these need help from outside we have to decide ourself and it is a sign of inner strengh and not a sign of weakness to accept help!

  • A body, a life, a situation that is not in Balance may not be able to achieve healing

» Next: Back Pain Causes


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Please note:

The Spynamics Sacro Aligner is not a medical tool or substitute for professional medical advice. It is advised to consult your doctor before using this device. The use of this device is at the owners risk.
The Spynamics Sacro Aligner may look a little like other products on the market but is in fact completely different in Material, Purpose, Shape and Science-Background.

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