The SPYNAMICS Sacro & Spine Aligner - Team
The new Team:
Thomas Zudrell and french Osteopath Florian Loriol
In 2022 Thomas Zudrell and Florian Loriol joined forces to promote Selfhelp for Pain sufferers using the DORN Method and the Spynamics Sacro & Spine Aligners.
The Corona pandemic brought the business almost to a standstill but the number of people with health problems are increasing.
With new energy and advanced developments in IT and social media we have again our focus on bringing these fantastic selfhelp tools the attention that they deserve.
Check it out:
My Pocket Osteo
website and shop of Florian Loriol
Instagram page of Florian Loriol
The early days: 2006 onwards
Thomas Zudrell and Wayne Sibson
About us:
Thomas Zudrell MD(AM), DMS
Inventor and Developer of the Sypnamics Sacro Aligner
Director of AHHAI, Akademie fuer Holistische Heil-Arten International, (Academy for Holistic Healing Arts International) in Germany as an Affiliate of AWHAI, Academy for Wholistic Healing Arts, Inc., Makati, Philippines.
He was awarded a Certificate as Doctor of Medicine (Alternative Medicines) by the Open International University for Alternative Medicines, Calcutta, India, under the Indian Board of Alternative Medicines.
Since the 1980s he is interested in Alternative Medicines, he received training in: Reiki (Master / Teacher), Traditional Filipino Healing Methods: (Hilot, Spiritual Healing, Psychic Surgery a.o.), Diverse Massage Techniques, Reflexology, Acupressure, Chirotherapy, Osteopathy, Hilot (Filipino Nerve Massage), Cranio Sacral Therapy, Electro Acupuncture, Basic ESP and Intuition Development, Orthomolecular Medicine, and others.
Developed his own techniques called MNSRT, myo-neuro-structural-rebalancing-therapy.
Most active and one of very few Dorn Method Specialists and Seminar Lecturers who is teaching internationally.
He is doing Research on Back Pain with several Colleagues around the world.
Wrote the first English book about the Dorn Method.
Former Secretary of the board "Deutsche Gesellschaft für die DORN Bewegung e.V.", the official German DORN association.
Head of DORN International within the association.
International Instructor Examiner of the association.
Dr Wayne Sibson B.Sc.(Clin.Sc.), MH.Sc. (Osteo)
Co-Developer, Research Director and Medical Advisor
Past president of the Australian Osteopathic Association (WA Branch)
Director of Spinefit Backcare Clinics in Perth and Mandurah, Western Australia
Osteopath, Acupuncturist and Natural Health Specialist
Dorn Method Instructor and Co-Founder of the DMAA, Dorn Method Academy Australia (
Treat yourself like the most valuable treasure that you own.
Thomas Zudrell, Health-Coach
Prevention is better than cure.
Start now.
Wayne Sibson B.Sc.(Clin.Sc.) MH.Sc. (Osteo)
2/94 Mandurah Terrace, Mandurah WA 6210, Australien
11/22 Parry Ave 22 Parry Ave, Bateman WA 6150, Australien
Tel: 0411150093
Melville Osteopathy
50 McCoy Street Myaree,
WA 6154
Phone: (08) 9330 1212
Mobile: 0438 100 988
Thomas Zudrell MD(AM), DMS
AHHAI, Academy for Holistic Healing Arts International
88353 Kisslegg
Privat / Office (Postal): Parkstr. 41
Treatment-Coaching-Training Center
Mobile: +49 (0)1515-5634171