Back Pain - The Theory

Following information represents a theory about the main causes and solutions for Back Pain based on personal research, existing research, experience and simple applied anatomy and physiology.

Facts about Back Pain Causes:

  • Often unknown

  • Seldom clearly defined

  • Almost always in combination with Non-Physical (Psychological (Inner) Problems)

  • Mostly a combination of different factors that contribute to the whole picture


The Theory:

Almost all Back Pain onset is the result of Muscular tensions that goes beyond a personal tollerance level with often different causes.

In basically all cases the Pain symtoms change throughout the day depending on posture, activity etc.

Increasing stress (physical, psychological, chemical (food), electromagnetical (interfering fields from phone, computer, powerlines etc.) is promoting muscular tensions.

Pain is a good mechanism if seen as warning sign of the body and it gives us the posibility to react accordingly in order to prevent larger damage on our system or start necessary repair in case of injury.

Tense muscles are excerting pressure onto nerves that can cause Pain!

If the tense (often shortened) muscle has an additional asymetrical internal structure then the pain can be stronger and even signs of numbness or paralysis may appear.

The causes of Pain and numbess or paralysis are mostly in the dysfunctional muscle (i.e. pressing onto nerve) rather than in the intervertebral discs, nerves, facet-joints of the vertebrae etc., but these disturbances are often the result of structural imbalances!

A muscle cannot be build up by the therapist. This work can only be done by the body itself. The therapist however can set the necessary impulses so the body can react with the respective adjustments.

» Everything that contributes to a muscular relaxation will usually reduce the Pain symptoms but often only temporary!

» Although there may be other main causes for Back Pain that are diagnosed the fact that pain always causes muscular tensions makes it logical to include approaches that work on the reduction of these tensions.

The Mechanics of Pain


mechanics of pain diagram

Basis / Starting point for Back Pain: The Sacrum

» If the sacrum is in structural balance the spinal column can be aligned and balanced.

» The muscles then can be in its natural and most relaxed state, the pelvis is aligned and the legs are equally in length.


Force distribution in the Sacrum:

sacrum load


The sacroiliac joint hold and transfer the weight of the entire upper body from the sacrum to the hips and legs.

They are also important sensors of large force streams between the trunk and legs in which the largest muscles of the body are involved.

In this respect, The SIJ functions as a multi-directional force transducer.

Excerpt from Dr. Rick Serola©






Pelvic girdle anatomy (ligaments of the sacrum)

sacrum ligaments


An irritation of the sacrum ligaments is a direct result from joint misalignments. It is interesting to notice that the sacrum is not moved and stabilized directly by muscles but only by ligments. The sacrum therefore depends on a balanced structural alignment.


Pelvic girdle physiology (Nutation of the sacrum) 

sacrum nutation sacrum xray


Because of the existing forces directed downwards from above (gravity / bodyweight) many people develop a beyond normal nutation of the sacrum (upper part towards the front, lower part backwards)

This is dramatically increasing the stress onto the intervertebral discs!

Pelvic girdle anatomy (Piriformis muscle - Sciatic nerve)

pelvic girdle anatomy piriformis muscle


The Sciatic nerve often gets pressed because of tension in-between the piriformis muscle and other deep buttocks muscles like oburator internus etc., and is likely the main cause for Back Pain in the lower part of the spine.

Disc problems are usually the trigger but not the cause of such pains.

Key Points of the Theory

A misalignment of the sacrum leads to (or results from) unequally tense muscles of the pelvic girdle.

A discrepancy in leg length and adjustment reactions of the spinal column follows.

After a respective long enough adjustment period, usually already after 6 to 8 weeks, a restructuring of the muscle takes place, a shortening which in turn causes joint blockages or better said: The joints become less mobile and interferes with the natural re-alignment mechanisms.

These reactions also directly influence all neighbouring areas and enhance negative adjustment reactions in the whole body, on the structural level as well as on the organical level and the psychological level. This is due to the disturbances in the information flow between brain (the central control organ) and all other areas of the body.

These mechanisms are not to be seen as disease, they are a normal and natural reaction of our body following this stress and can, if we look at it from this angle, often be reversed with the respective actions that again lead to positive adjustment reactions (changes) in the body with resulting relaxation of the muscles and reduction or elimination of Pain.

Pain Memory

Another important factor in back pain events plays so-called pain memory.

Some scientists suggest that every single cell in our body has the capability of memorizing. The brain surely has and the understanding of these mechanisms in modern science is just in the beginning.

Our human brain is not as simple as a computer where we can save or erase information with some simple clicks, in order to store information long term a repetitive input is necessary until a nerve-restructuring took place.

Some tests showed that similar areas of our brain are active when it comes to addictions or habitual behaviour. In other words we could say that we become addicted to our habits.

If we do not take care of pain the way we should we risk that this pain is memorized in our body and later some simple triggers may be enough to cause pain symptoms even in the absence of obvious physiological disturbances.

So if we type into our body-computer always the same message like: If I do this specific action (e.g. movement) I feel pain, save button...etc., again and again it will transform into pain memory and what we then often call chronic pain.

So what are the solutions?

» please continue to read and understand the solutions for back pain

More details soon to follow and also in my book The Dorn Method.
Available as eBook also. (Get one and help me to do more research on back pain and share selfhelp information free for all)


Thomas Zudrell

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» Next: Back Pain Solutions


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Please note:

The Spynamics Sacro Aligner is not a medical tool or substitute for professional medical advice. It is advised to consult your doctor before using this device. The use of this device is at the owners risk.
The Spynamics Sacro Aligner may look a little like other products on the market but is in fact completely different in Material, Purpose, Shape and Science-Background.

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