Back Pain - Prevention

To understand the below presented Pictures and Explanations please read Back Pain Causes first!


Back Pain Prevention

It should be clear to understand that the Prevention of Back Pain is better than trying to cure it once it happend but how can this be achieved without reading tons of Books, spending a lot of money and time or study Anatomy, Medicine or PT first?

The follwing facts are based on our own research and theory and are a result of the last 30 years or so experience with the Dorn Method and the obvious visible positive result of countless Pain-free patients. (sorry this is anecdotal evidence only but if the Dorn Method was a product we probably would give you a money back guarantee!)

The pictures and graphics shown below give you some insight what possibly we do wrong, because these movements may produce or aggravate existing Misalignments that cause or at least contribute to the Development of Back Pain.

The Goal would be to stop doing these movements (if possible) during the Alignment- and Recovery process, best during a Therapy, for about two month in order to give our body time to heal by keeping all corrected Joints in place long enough so a natural adjustment reaction of our Body-Self-Healing Mechanisms can take place.
After this time it is still not advisable to fall back to old habits but rather substitude these movements with safer alternatives also shown below.

I also recommend the Alexander technique for a more in-depth information on how to work on our posture and movement habits! (browse the net for it!)

If you combine this with the regulary doing of the Self Help Exercises you have a very powerful tool for Recovery and Prevention that requires very little time, no money investments (only the investments for treatments, seminars, books etc. if you want these!)
BUT it requires a little discipline and Self-Initiative (unfortunately that is something which seems not to be programed into our DNA and therefore is easier said than done.)

So try do avoid these Movements during your Healing Process:

Bad sitting: Sloughing Shoulders, sitting too straight and crossing the Legs because that can cause or aggravate a Hip-Joint Subluxation

sitting crossed leg sitting sloughed sitting too straight


Good sitting posture: Keep Back straight but not too extreme and do not slough shoulder.
It is recommended to sit assisted with a wedge shaped seat cushion or an orthopedical chair.
The Spynamics Sacro Aligner also supports sitting straighter and on top of this helps to te-balance the pelvis so a normal healthy sitting becomes natural again even without any special chair or cushions.

sitting correct

About correct sitting: When our body is aligned there is no real good or bad sitting posture but it needs attention when there are structural imbalances. In general: best to change sitting frequently i.e. Keep it dynamic and not static!

Unsafe Stretching: Favors pre-existing Subluxations

» because the tension built up during the stretching it may be better to avoid or change them during therapy and recovery time.


bending straight down stretching leg wrong wrong stretch knee to chest


No turns in the hip more than 30° on either side, » same while standing or laying


wrong hip stretch


No stretching with the leg bended less than 90° and the knee kept straight

wrong stretch shoe binding wrong stretch1 Better to tilt the knee a bit outwards. In the pictures (left) the right arm should be kept on the inside of the knee (thigh), i.e. the knee is not on the chest but at the shoulder.




Potentially unsafe stretching during the recovery time and with existing Misalignments


wrong stretching samples Graphics on the left:

These stretches should also better be avoided with presently existing Back Pain.



Other things that may be less healthy during recovery:

Competitive Sports like Football, Basketball, Rugby etc.
Sports that have one-sided movements (use of hands) like Tennis, Squash, Golf
Certain Yoga Positions
Bad ways of Standing up from sitting and unfavorable laying (sleeping) positions.
Long drives in cars without breaks and exercises in-between
Long and bad sitting positions without exercise breaks (e.g. Office work)






» Do Not understand me wrong here! Stretching is a beneficial and recommended exercise but some stretching may contribute towards misalignments during the recovery time (2 month or even longer in severe cases).Stretching an aligned body is mostly safe but stretching with existing misalignments is not! It is recommended to do the Dorn Method Self Therapy Exercises before and after every Stretching!

All Dorn Method Exercises in my eBook and the Self Help Exercise Video: » visit:

The following pictures show the recommended way of doing these movements (stretches)


correct stretch sitting leg stretch ok stretch ok 3 stretch ok4

Safe stretching: Tilt legs (kees) a little outwards when stretching less than 90°. e.g. Keep arms in-between the legs.

Any turns in the hip should be max. 30° (left/right):

» Pictures below show the save stretch

hip stretch ok 1 hip stretch ok 2

Unsafe lifting during therapy and recovery time:

wrong lifting1 wrong lifting 2 wrong lifting 3

» Whenever lifting either heavy or light objects do not use your back to do that and do not bend over one side when lifting. Even whenever a simple bag is lifted we should do this correctly. 

Correct lifting during therapy and recovery time:

correct lifting 1 correct lifting 2

» Correct lifting: Keep Back straight and lift out of the legs


The correct procedure while standing up or laying down:

standing up correct1 standing up correct 2 standing up correct 3 standing up correct 4


» Correct standing up: assist the Spine when standing up/laying down

More details soon to follow and also in my book The Dorn Method.
Available as eBook also. (Get one and help me to do more research on back pain and share selfhelp information free for all)



Thomas Zudrell

» Next: Back Pain Secrets


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Please note:

The Spynamics Sacro Aligner is not a medical tool or substitute for professional medical advice. It is advised to consult your doctor before using this device. The use of this device is at the owners risk.
The Spynamics Sacro Aligner may look a little like other products on the market but is in fact completely different in Material, Purpose, Shape and Science-Background.

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  • +49 (0)151-55634171
  • Email:
  • Adresse:
    Thomas Zudrell
  • Parkstr. 41
  • 88353 Kisslegg, Germany