About the
Sacro Aligner



The Spynamics Sacro Aligner - Team

The Spynamics Sacro Aligner Team:

Thomas Zudrell and Wayne Sibson

Wayne Sibson and Thomas Zudrell Photo

About us

Thomas Zudrell MD(AM), DMS
Inventor and Developer of the Sypnamics Sacro Aligner
Director of AHHAI, Akademie fuer Holistische Heil-Arten International,
(Academy for Holistic Healing Arts International) in Germany as an Affiliate of
AWHAI, Academy for Wholistic Healing Arts, Inc., Makati, Philippines
He was awarded a Certificate as Doctor of Medicine (Alternative Medicines) by the Open International University for Alternative Medicines, Calcutta, India, under the Indian Board of Alternative Medicines
Since the 1980s he is interested in Alternative Medicines, he received training in: Reiki (Master / Teacher), Traditional Filipino Healing Methods: (Hilot, Spiritual Healing, Psychic Surgery a.o.), Diverse Massage Techniques, Reflexology, Acupressure, Chirotherapy, Osteopathy, Hilot (Filipino Nerve Massage), Cranio Sacral Therapy, Electro Acupuncture, Basic ESP and Intuition Development, Orthomolecular Medicine, and others.
Developed his own techniques called MNSRT, myo-neuro-structural-rebalancing-therapy.
Most active and one of very few Dorn Method Specialists and Seminar Lecturers who is teaching internationally.
Currently working on his Thesis for a PhD in Manual Therapy and the Dorn Method.
He is doing Research on Back Pain with several Colleagues around the world.
Wrote the first English book about the Dorn Method

Dr Wayne Sibson B.Sc.(Clin.Sc.), MH.Sc. (Osteo)
Spynamics Sacro Aligner TM, Co-Developer, Research Director and Medical Advisor
Past president of the Australian Osteopathic Association (WA Branch)
Director of Back Pain Solutions & Natural Therapies Centre in Perth, Western Australia
Osteopath, Acupuncturist and Natural Health Specialist
Dorn Method Instructor and Co-Founder of the DMAA, Dorn Method Academy Australia (www.dmaa.info)



» For inquiries please contact us.



Home Offices:

Wayne Sibson B.Sc.(Clin.Sc.) MH.Sc. (Osteo),
Back Pain Solutions & Natural Therapies Centre

1.) 57 First Avenue, Rossmoyne, WA 6148
Phone 08 9354 9054
Iphone (e-mail): waynesibson(at)gmail.com

2.) 94 Mandurah Terrace, Mandurah, WA 6210,
Tel. +61 (0)8 9535 2596




Thomas Zudrell MD(AM), DMS
AHHAI, Academy for Holistic Healing Arts International

Gartenstrasse 3, 88353 Kisslegg

Tel. +49 (0)7563 908922




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